Assalammualaikum.. jika tahun lepas aku sempat menyaksikan filem X Men Origine: Wolverine, untuk tahun ni aku taknak lepaskan peluang menonton X-Men: First Class di pawagam. Aku memang minat giler cerita ni. Aku follow movie ni dari yang pertama lagi. Tapi yang tak bestnya pelakon Hugh Jackman tak berlakon la kali ni. Taknak cerita panjang-panjang la jom baca sinopsisnya atau nak detail korang boleh pergi ke SINI. Movie ni akan ditayangkan di pawagam pada bulan June 2011
Set in the era before Professor Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became mortal enemies as Professor X and Magneto, respectively, director Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class follows the two former allies as they lead a powerful team of mutants on a mission to save the planet from nuclear annihilation. Charles (James McAvoy) and Erik (Michael Fassbender) were just young men when it began to appear as if the world was careening toward destruction. And as the Doomsday Clock ticks faster toward midnight, the time comes to take action. In the process of saving humanity, however, Charles and Erik clash. In the years that followed, Professor X would lead the X-Men in the fight for good, as Magneto and the Brotherhood spread chaos and destruction throughout the land. Kevin Bacon, Caleb Landry Jones, Nicholas Hoult, January Jones, and Lucas Till star in a film directed by Matthew Vaughn and adapted from a story by Bryan Singer.
Set in the era before Professor Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became mortal enemies as Professor X and Magneto, respectively, director Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class follows the two former allies as they lead a powerful team of mutants on a mission to save the planet from nuclear annihilation. Charles (James McAvoy) and Erik (Michael Fassbender) were just young men when it began to appear as if the world was careening toward destruction. And as the Doomsday Clock ticks faster toward midnight, the time comes to take action. In the process of saving humanity, however, Charles and Erik clash. In the years that followed, Professor X would lead the X-Men in the fight for good, as Magneto and the Brotherhood spread chaos and destruction throughout the land. Kevin Bacon, Caleb Landry Jones, Nicholas Hoult, January Jones, and Lucas Till star in a film directed by Matthew Vaughn and adapted from a story by Bryan Singer.
7 patah-patah kata:
suke gile tgk x-men!best kan...
yeayyyy !!! nak p tgok la cmni.. mesti best ni.. hehe
awe nak tgk pirates, pries ngan transfomer..hehe..X man awe tak layan pula kak..kartun dia pernah layan dulu :)
hoho....cite ni mmg superb...kak jieda jom join geng ni...
taun ni bnyk movie best2 la..nape hugh jackman takde ea..
tolong vote Danial boleh..?
klik je link ni n like danial
thanks =)
The Last Standing stakat ni the best ler bg epic x-men..
yg terbaru ni x tau lg..
sbb tgk promote x braper kuat lak filem nie.
untie mila pun minat gak....he3...
email je details..free nanti untie mila buat...
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